Scuola di Atene

Zeno Gorgias of Leontini Diagoras of Melos Diagoras of Melos Nausiphanes Anaximenes Democritus of Abdera Diogenes of Laertius [Federigo Gonzaga] Kritias of Athens Kritias of Athens Kritias of Athens Anaximander Anaxagoras Pythagoras Averroës - Ibn Rushd Alcibiades Alcibiades Æschines Æschines Xenophon Alcibiades Socrates ??? Spensippus Spensippus Menexenus Menexenus Menexenus Parmenides Hypatia Alexander Heraclitus Plato Aristotle Theophrastus of Lesbos Theophrastus of Lesbos Theophrastus of Lesbos Eudemus of Rhodes Epicurus Epicurus Aristippus Pyrrho of Elis Pyrrho of Elis Arcesilaus Diogenes Euclid Zoroaster Raffaello Sanzio Ptolemy Select a character by clicking on his image!
Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520), Scuola di Atene (1509-1510), Stanza della Segnatura (Vaticano).
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