Averroës ( medieval Latin, “Averrhoës”), or Ibn Rushd ( Arabic in full, “Abù Al-Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Rushd”), born 1126 CE (Cordoba), died 1198 CE (Marrakech, Almohad Empire), was an influential Islamic religious philosopher who integrated Islamic traditions and Greek thought. At the request of the caliph Ibn at-Tufayl he produced a series of summaries and commentaries on most of Aristotle’s works (1162-95 CE) and on Plato’s Republic, which exerted considerable influence for centuries.
His works, in defense of the philosophical, scientific study of religion against the theologians (1179-80 CE), included:
IBN RUSHD: Fasl al-Maqal (Faith & Reason) (e-text, in Arabic, at Hozien Family website), unedited
IBN RUSHD: Fasl al-Maqal (Faith & Reason) (pdf, in Arabic, at Islamic Philosophy Online), edited
IBN RUSHD (AVERROËS): On the Harmony of Religions and Philosophy (Kitab fasl al-maqal), c. 1190 CE (html, in English, at Medieval Sourcebook), tr. Mohammed Jamil-al-Rahman
AVERROËS: On the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy (Kitab fasl al-maqal, with appendix (Damima) (html, in English, at Islamic Philosophy Online), tr. with intro. and notes George F. Hourani
AVERROËS: The Future Life (Extract from Kitab al-kashf ‘an manahij al-adilla) (html, in English, at Islamic Philosophy Online), tr. George F. Hourani
IBN RUSHD (AVERROËS): On the Harmony of Religions and Philosophy (Kitab fasl al-maqal), c. 1190 CE (html, in English, at Islamic Philosophy Online), tr. Mohammed Jamil-al-Rahman
IBN RUSHD: Religion and Philosophy, c. 1190 CE (html, in English, Online Books by Subjects at virtual library of Witness-Pioneer), tr. Mohammed Jamil-al-Rahman
IBN RUSHD: The Incoherence of the Incoherence (Tahafut al Tahafut) (pdf, in English, local), tr. S. van den Bergh
IBN RUSHD: The Incoherence of the Incoherence (Tahafut al Tahafut) (html, in English, at Islamic Philosophy Online), tr. S. van den Bergh
IBN RUSHD: The Incoherence of the Incoherence (Tahafut al Tahafut) (html, in English, at Scribd), tr. S. van den Bergh
IBN RUSHD: Tahafut al Tahafut (in Arabic, at Ahmed Deedat's Page), ed. S. Dunya:
IBN RUSHD: Tahafut al Tahafut (pdf, 32260 KB, in Arabic, local), ed. S. Dunya
IBN RUSHD: Tahafut al Tahafut (in Arabic, at Scribd)
AVERROËS: Talkis Kitab al-Jadal (Middle Commentary on Aristotle's “Topics”) (pdf, 10017 KB, in Arabic, local), ed. Charles E. Butterworth and Ahmad Abd al-Magid Haridi
AVERROËS: Three Short Commentaries: on Aristotle's “Topics,” “Rhetoric,” and “Poetics” (pdf, 9098 KB, in English and Arabic, local), tr. Charles E. Butterworth
IBN RUSHD: Rislat an-Nafs (On the Soul) (e-text, in Arabic, at Hozien Family website), unedited
Ibn Rushd, from Encyclopædia Britannica (html, in English, at Islamic Philosophy Online)
Ibn Rushd, from The Encyclopædia of Islam (html, in English, at Islamic Philosophy Online)
(html, at Encyclopædia.com)
Ibn Rushd (html, at Garth Kemerling's Philosophy Pages)
Ibn Rushd, Abù al-Walìd Muhammad b. Ahmad (html, at Garth Kemerling's Philosophy Pages)
George F. Hourani: Ibn Rushd, from The Encyclopædia of Religion (pdf, in English, at Islamic Philosophy Online)
Oliver Leaman: Ibn Rushd, Abù'l-Walìd Muhammad, from Routledge (html, in English, at Islamic Philosophy Online)
Yousif Fajr Raslan: Ibn Rushd, Philosopher and Theologian, ed. & tr. Manal A. Swairjo, from Al Jadid Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 20 (Summer 1997) (html, at Al Jadid)
Habeeb Salloum: Ibn Rushd – The Great Muslim Philosopher Who Planted The Seeds of European Renaissance, from Al Jadid Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 22 (Winter 1998) (html, at Al Jadid)
Caroline Stone: Doctor Philosopher, Renaissance Man, from Saudi Aramco World, May/June 2003 (html, at Saudi Aramco World)
Caroline Stone: Doctor Philosopher, Renaissance Man, from Saudi Aramco World, May/June 2003 (pdf, at Islamic Philosophy Online)
Averroes As A Physician, ed. Prof. Hamed Abdel-reheem Ead (html, at the Alchemy Web Site)
Arabic Influence On the Historical Development of Medicine, ed. Prof. Hamed Abdel-reheem Ead (html, at the Alchemy Web Site)