PLATO: Alcibiades 1 (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Alcibiades 1 (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Alcibiades 2 (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Alcibiades 2 (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Apologia di Socrate (testo, zip, in italiano, trad. Stazzone, a UNIMI/MANUZIO)
PLATO: Apology (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Apology (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Apology (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold North Fowler
PLATO: Apology (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Charmides, or Temperance (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Charmides, or Temperance (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Charmides (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Charmides (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Charmides (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Cleitophon (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R .M. Lamb
PLATO: Cleitophon (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Cratylus (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Cratylus (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Cratylus (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold N. Fowler
PLATO: Cratylus (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Critias (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Critias (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Critias (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Critias (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Critias (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Crito (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Crito (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Crito (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold North Fowler
PLATO: Crito (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Critone (testo, zip, in italiano, trad. Sassi. a UNIMI/MANUZIO)
PLATO: Crito (html, in English, with commentary, at UOREGON)
PLATO: Crito (text, in English, at WIRETAP)
PLATO: Epinomis (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Epinomis (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Euthydemus (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Euthydemus (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Euthydemus (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Euthydemus (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Euthydemus (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Euthyphro (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Euthyphro (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Euthyphro (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold North Fowler
PLATO: Euthyphro (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Euthyphro (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Gorgias (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Gorgias (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Gorgias (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Gorgias (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Gorgias (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Greater Hippias (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R .M. Lamb
PLATO: Greater Hippias (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Hipparchus (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Hipparchus (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Ion (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Ion (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Ion (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Ion (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Ion (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Laches, or Courage (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Laches, or Courage (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Laches (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Laches (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Laches (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Laws (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Laws (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Laws (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. R. G. Bury
PLATO: Laws (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Laws (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Lesser Hippias (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Lesser Hippias (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Letters (html, in English, at MIT)
PLATO: Letters (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. R. G. Bury
PLATO: Letters (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Lovers (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R .M. Lamb
PLATO: Lovers (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Lysis, or Friendship (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Lysis, or Friendship (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Lysis (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Lysis (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Menexenus (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R .M. Lamb
PLATO: Menexenus (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Meno (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Meno (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Meno (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Meno (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Meno (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Minos (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Minos (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Parmenides (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Parmenides (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Parmenides (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold N. Fowler
PLATO: Parmenides (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Parmenides (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Phaedo (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Phaedo (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Phaedo (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold North Fowler
PLATO: Phaedo (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Phaedo (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Phaedrus (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Phaedrus (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Phaedrus (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold N. Fowler
PLATO: Phaedrus (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Phaedrus (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Philebus (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Philebus (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Philebus (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold N. Fowler
PLATO: Philebus (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Philebus (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Protagoras (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Protagoras (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Protagoras (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Protagoras (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Protagoras (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: The Republic (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: The Republic (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: The Republic (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Paul Shorey
PLATO: The Republic (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: The Republic (text, in English, at UNC/GUTENBERG)
PLATO: The Republic (zip, in English, at UNC/GUTENBERG)
PLATO: The Republic (html, in English, at VIRGINIA)
PLATO: The Republic (text, in English, at WIRETAP)
PLATO: The Seventh Letter (html, in English, at MIT), tr. J. Harward
PLATO: The Seventh Letter (text, in English, at MIT), tr. J. Harward
PLATO: Sophist (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Sophist (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Sophist (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold N. Fowler
PLATO: Sophist (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Sophist (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Statesman (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Statesman (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Statesman (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold N. Fowler
PLATO: Statesman (html, in English, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Statesman (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Symposium (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Symposium (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Symposium (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold N. Fowler
PLATO: Symposium (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Symposium (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Theaetetus (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Theaetetus (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Theaetetus (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. Harold N. Fowler
PLATO: Theaetetus (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Theaetetus (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
PLATO: Theages (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Theages (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Timaeus (html, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Timaeus (text, in English, at MIT), tr. Benjamin Jowett
PLATO: Timaeus (html, in English, at PERSEUS), tr. W. R. M. Lamb
PLATO: Timaeus (html, in Greek, at PERSEUS), ed. John Burnet
PLATO: Timaeus (text, in English, at VT.EDU)
de Platon (html, en français, à ATHENA)
de Platon (texte rtf, en français, à ATHENA)
Plato (html, at Encyclopædia Britannica)
Plato (html, at Björn Christensson's Guide to Philosophy)
Plato (html, at Garth Kemerling's Philosophy Pages)
Plato (html, at Hellenism Network: History, Ancient Greece, Greek Philosophers)
J. J. O'Connor and E. F. Robertson: Biography of Plato (html, at School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland)